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French Acers

The food & beverage industry is currently growing at 8.7% and is projected to be worth $8.9 trillion by 2026. This growth presents numerous opportunities and challenges for manufacturers, many of which must modernize their production lines within the...
In this installment of Allied’s Ask the Expert Series, Justin Shade, an automation sales engineer at Phoenix Contact, addresses wireless large area network (WLAN) solutions for Industrial Ethernet networks. Justin Shade, Automation Sales Engineer, Phoenix Contact In this installment of Allied’s...
TE Connectivity’s inaugural Industrial Technology Index surveyed engineers and executives from more than 14 global industries being rapidly reshaped by technological advancements to better understand today’s innovation challenges. It identifies 10 key findings and five steps for improving both...
Several members of the RS executive leadership team in Fort Worth, Texas, share what the rebrand means for them, their teams, and their stakeholders and what they’re most excited about. Allied Electronics & Automation, the main trading brand in the...
National Engineers Week celebrates engineers’ incredible contributions to society and provides opportunities to interest young people in STEM career paths. Celebrate this year’s theme — Creating the Future! — with these nine participation ideas and free STEM and E-Week...
Wireless data acquisition systems are vital elements of connected factories, collecting data that allows operators to remotely access and visualize equipment and process information, support safety and security measures, improve productivity, and increase profits. These nine mini case studies...
Eaton experts explain how to thoughtfully embrace Industry 4.0 technologies, sharing strategies, considerations, and personal examples to help ensure that your foray into Industry 4.0 starts out on the right foot. Abe Fares, OEM Area Sales Manager – Gulf, Eaton It’s...
We spoke with Jackie Stokes, the Motion Control Marketing Program Manager at Siemens, to learn more about modern industrial motor drives and the numerous advantages they can offer over legacy drives. Jackie Stokes, Motion Control Program Manager at Siemens Motor drives...
Preventative maintenance is essential to a multitude of applications and industries, including industrial manufacturing. These measures enable companies to extend asset lifetimes, boost productivity, prevent equipment damage, reduce downtime, and maximize profits, and they don’t have to be expensive...