Industrial Control

Ask the Expert: Navigating the Complex Connector Market

Goda Inokaityte Senior Product Specialist at HARTING Allied’s “Ask The Expert” series taps into the experience and expertise of key thought leaders and subject matter experts...

Taking Your Factory to the Connected Edge: Converting Legacy Factory Equipment...

Having an edge-connected factory allows you to access your data at anytime, on or off the factory floor. No more manual reports, no more...

Employing the UL508A Standard for Control Panel Design

Control panel builders utilize several factors to create optimal functionality. Taking these considerations a step further to ensure safe operation, designers should adhere to...

Ensuring a Happy (and Productive) Holiday: Making the Most of Your...

Many companies shut down operations during the end-of-year holiday period to create an opportunity to conduct needed maintenance, upgrades, and equipment changeout. A successful...

The Importance of Bearing Selection, Maintenance and Alignment in Mechanical Power...

Mechanical power transmission equipment -- including motors, drives, shafts, gearing and other associated components -- relies on bearings to keep drive trains aligned for...

Minding Your Mechanical Power Transmission Systems

Mechanical Power transmission systems are at the core of many mechanical systems, whether it's an automated machine, or part of a larger piece of...

IIoT, Connectors and Three Watchwords for the Factory of the Future

Productivity, efficiency and quality are the three watchwords for the new dawn of the industrial internet of things (IIoT).  Under the surface of the...

Taking Panel Design to the Next Level in an Automated World

On February 15th, 2020, the Roberson Car Wash in Salem, Oregon went up in flames. The cause: a control cabinet with components that gathered excess...

Industrial Communications: 4-20 mA Current Loop

The basic 4 to 20 milliamp current loop is by far the most prevalent method of industrial automation analog measurement and control, so designers...